Investment Management Trust
FCMB Trustees can manage individual investment portfolios through a Separately Managed Trust structure. We listen to your needs, goals and aspirations for the short-term and the long-term. With a clear understanding of your priorities and objectives, we work with you to develop and administer a co-ordinated approach for managing your assets and executing your plans through a carefully crafted Trust structure.
Investment Management Trusts have several advantages
• They are tax-efficient.
• They are tailored to your specific investment guidelines.
• They are flexible to respond to changes in investment objectives.
• The Trust is funded by liquid assets which form an Investment Portfolio.
• There are two types of Investment Management Trusts-Discretionary and Non-Discretionary.
For the discretionary, the settlor grants FCMB Trustees the discretion to make investment decisions while, for the Non-Discretionary, we will revert to the settlor for all investment decisions.